2010년 11월 29일 월요일

Graphic Designs-3

signage & logo designs for Tokyoria

Tokyoria signage - initial design

Tokyoria glass door design

Tokyoria main building signage

pishon nametag design

seoulria signage

seoulria glass sticker design

seoulria entrace advertising box

Graphic Designs-2

menu designs

2010년 11월 25일 목요일

About me

my name is kyoungsu Lee. For the past 4 years I have experienced interior design, project management, and operational leadership roles to meet businees goals succeessfully. Hence, i can make a valuable contribution to anyother projects!!!

I have studied Master od Design at University of Technology, Sydney. The reason I decided to studey this course was because I desired to have competence to say 'my design philosophy' to others. My design philosophy is very simple. "Fulfill people's spirit and heart with full of love form the design I created". Even though, there is 'nothing' special I would like to create 'everything' in people's souls.

Through 4 years experience in Sydney, I took responsibility for all aspects of projects such as planning, organization, monitoring, and controlling to deliver the projects' objectives withing time and budget.  I mean, as a designer I did not only develop concept and designs but also, manage all the stakeholders such as subcontractors, architects, carpenters, general labours, and clients. I believe that communication brings better quality to the projects and solves problems creatively so, I am the person who tries to come closer to people. Also, I think design should not be too ideal so when I designed something, I always think about the next action. Therefore, I often executed my designs myself. I am sure that with my theiretical and practical design knoledge will bring great opportunities.

2009 - 2010 Japanese restaurant

project name: Tokyoria
location: World sqaure, Sydney CBD, Australia

3D designs

Actual Images





vip room